By David Rogers

We’ve probably all had to deal with them.  They ruin the morale of your shop, they shut down your productivity, they cut off sales, and hurt your business.

Lazy employees are a huge burden on any business, but especially so for independent shops.

If you don’t have every employee pulling their weight to provide excellent customer service and quality repairs, it can be an uphill battle to keep great customers coming back to your shop.

There’s no question that some laziness can’t be fixed.

But what if there were some things you could do as an owner that kept your employees excited, engaged, and committed to growing your business?

The experts quoted in this article in The Globe And Mail say that shop owners can do exactly that!


That’s because laziness is often caused “when employers fail to set proper expectations,” according to the human resources consulting firm Verity International.

The solution? According to Verity, “employers need to manage expectations, measure performance and reward or correct behavior.”

In our shop (and our clients’ shops) we do this in two ways…

We use our 10-Minute Meeting™ each morning to help our techs and service writers know exactly what they need to accomplish in order to increase sales, raise gross profit, boost production and grow our shop.

We hold them accountable for items not completed, set expectations for the day, and make sure that everyone has the help and answers they need in order to meet their daily tasks.

We call this the most important meeting of our lives…and we think it’s so important that we hold it EVERY DAY.

To learn how to start and manage a 10-Minute Meeting in your shop, we’ve taught an entire class on the solutions you need to get more productive and focused employees who do what you want…and if you click here to get “The Most Important Meeting of my Life – So Important We Have it EVERY DAY! – CD for only $99.

We also rely on the RPM ToolKit™ to help us measure and track employee performance in just a few minutes each day.

It allows us and our clients to set benchmarks, hold employees to them, find the bottlenecks in our production, and, importantly, gives owners, managers, and service writers pinpoint solutions so that they know exactly what they need to do to fix the problems.

The best news? If you get started today, you can save $100 per month…learn more about the RPM toolkit and get a FREE a demo!

Are you managing expectations, measuring performance, and correcting behavior?

If your shop is plagued by lazy employees and you want to know how you can get these solutions and more (including incentive pay plans) for your shop so you can get on the road to less stress, higher profits and increased sales…drop us a line in the comments below, give us a call at 1-866-520-3030 or contact us today!