“I am excited to proclaim that our shop will NEVER switch shop management programs ever again! This is revolutionary and really changing how we run and manage our business, with the help of the owners and team at Shop4D. The team at Shop4D makes their clients feel like family. Well done Shop4D, and thank you!”
- Steve Herold, Herold Family Service

“Even with my fear of change and not being a technology whiz, the team at Shop4D has top notch training and support which has made it easy for us to adopt and thrive using Shop4D.”
- Kevin Zieres, White Sulphur Garage, White Sulphur Springs, NY

“You guys have built a premier, full-service auto center software. We have enjoyed being on board and watching it grow. I look forward to the future developments. It has saved our ship, and we look forward to working with you. GREAT JOB GUYS!! We are truly glad to be a part of Shop4D.”
- Joe Piccolo, Supreme Muffler
Shop4D® wasn’t built by parts companies, accountants, or computer scientists.
It was built by auto repair experts who work in and own shops, and designed to fix the problems that shop owners face every day. Shop4D® was built with direct input from experienced service writers, top technicians, and some of the most successful and capable shop owners in the United States, who have all been using off-the-shelf point-of-sale systems every day to run their shops. That’s why we reduced clutter and noise, streamlined tools, and made it easier and faster to do the tasks you need to do to manage tickets and customers.
Shop4D® replaces every component of your shop management with smarter, more intelligent systems so that you can cut all the chaos, the meetings, the wasted activity, and effort and start running your shop the way you knew it could run when you opened it.