I Think I’m Doing a Pretty Darn Good Job. How Can I Prove It To The Boss?


Learn how to hit the targets that make the shop AND the service advisers more money!

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If your shop is like ours, there are times when life in the owner/manager’s office couldn’t be more different from life out at the front counter.

The manager (or owner) sees one thing, the service writer experiences another.  Neither understands what the other one wants or expects and so the manager doesn’t get the production he wants and the service writers don’t get the recognition they want.

Having worked on both sides of that office door, David knows that it’s equally frustrating for both sides.  But believe it or not, both sides are actually looking for the same thing!

Service writers want recognition for a good job and good pay for their hard work. The proof they need to justify both is the same set of targets that managers need to set in order to get superstar service writers!

This is great news, because it means there’s a scientific, step-by-step plan for a happier, stress-free shop and more money for everybody this year!

Learn how to hit the targets that make the shop AND the service advisers more money!