When you think about your auto repair shop’s competition, what comes to mind? When we ask this question to our clients, most of them say other auto repair shops in their community, maybe within a 15 or 20 mile radius. Some of them even consider quick lube or discount tire shops and dealerships.
But what about the pizza joint around the corner? Or the landscaping company next door? Or the orthodontist down the street?
The truth is, you’re NOT just competing with other shops in the auto industry – you are competing with ALL other service industry businesses.
Families have a limited amount of disposable income. From every pay check, they first have to take out rent or mortgage payments, then utilities and bills, then money for food and groceries… once they have paid for everything they need to survive, any money leftover is tucked into the bank. This is their disposable income, and it’s limited.
This small fraction of their original paycheck is all that is left to pay for EVERYTHING else. Everything that is optional, everything that could be put off for another month, everything above and beyond the basics for survival. And, unfortunately, that usually includes auto repair.
So now, when I ask you who your competition is, what do you think? Suddenly the answer seems much more daunting than it did just a minute ago.
Families have to make those tough choices – what will make their life better now, and what can they live without for another month or two. It’s not just do I get my timing belt replaced at your shop or another shop… It’s do I get my timing belt replaced, or braces for my child, or the home theater system I’ve been wanting, or new landscaping to keep up with my neighbor?
Their decision, and their money, will go to the person or company who does the BEST JOB educating them and getting them excited about that service.
Let’s face it, auto repair isn’t always the most glamorous and exciting service. When the landscape artist knocks on my door and shows me a gorgeous blueprint, and the price tag is the same as the cost of the heater repair my service writer recommended, it might be hard for me to resist the new yard. And I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels that way.
But what if the service writer took the time to educate me about the importance of the timing belt. If I understood the necessity of this repair, that by putting off this scheduled maintenance I could be putting myself, my vehicle, and my family at risk, I’d rethink the appeal of that new landscaping. If I felt like my mechanic truly cared for me and communicated everything I needed to know to make a well-informed decision, I’d probably decide the landscaping could wait another month.
Understanding the full scope of your competition within the service industry is the first step. But you can’t control every factor, you can’t determine the choices your customers make, you can’t force them to make the rational decision for their car care.
But you don’t have to be discouraged – the answer is finding the RIGHT marketing tools to EDUCATE your customers and help them make the right decisions about their vehicle care.
The secret to successful marketing is knowing your competition – knowing how to educate customers about your service and actually get them excited about auto repair over all the other options and services facing them. The secret is sending the RIGHT message, and having your message HEARD above the noise of ALL your competition.
If you’re ready to take a closer look at your business, your competition, and your marketing, give our team a call at 303-703-8000 or schedule a free marketing assessment with Automated Marketing Group.