How (And Why) Your Internal Computer Should Be Rebooted
Doug Kaufman and David Rogers discuss why the old ways may be the wrong ways to reach business success.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over hoping for a different result. In today’s economy, that’s also a recipe for disaster.
In this episode of Talking Shop with ShopOwner, David Rogers tells Doug Kaufman that every instinct he had when he was a new shop operator would have led him down that path to insanity by relying on his habits and the patterns he was comfortable with. Realizing that wasn’t going to cut the mustard for his family or his shop’s owner, he knew that change was necessary.
David Rogers, COO of Keller Brothers in Littleton, Colorado, has consistently set sales and profit records for 25 years since he took over management of the shop. And for over 20 years, as founder and president of Auto Profit Masters and Shop4D, he’s been helping thousands of other shop owners to do the same.
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Rogers talks about how to make your shop the first choice for customers and employees, and references an article he wrote in the August 2022 issue of ShopOwner magazine.
“Sitting still in today’s business, economic and cultural environment will only benefit competitors who want to take you market,” Rogers explains. “Change is the new normal.”
Related Article: Establish Successful Habits To Boost Business