Fear is standing between you and a long-term relationship with your customer. You need to change their minds, show them that you’re different and overcome that fear to build trust. In essence, you need to take care of them.
When a new customer comes into your shop, they already feel betrayed by the family vehicle that they rely on every day, the part that broke down on the road, and by the other shops that may have taken advantage of them in the past.
That’s hard to remember when your service advisor is being berated by an angry customer complaining about price or refusing to pay for a service you provided. But it’s not really anger, it’s fear.
Fear that their car is damaged. Fear that they won’t be able to get to work, or the store, or home, or to pick up their kids from school. Fear that the repair will put a strain on their wallet. Fear that you will take advantage of their position and they won’t be able to do anything about it.
Unfortunately, their fear is too often justified. It’s often the case that one too many shady shops gouged prices, recommended extra repairs, or didn’t stand behind their warranty in the past. And if that customer hasn’t been burned before, they probably have heard of someone who has. In these cases, fear is standing between you and a long-term relationship with this customer. You need to change their minds, show them that you’re different and overcome that fear to build trust. In essence, you need to take care of them.
You Need a Trained Team
I’ve preached about overcoming this fear with the shop owners I coach. The best way to grow your shop, hold employees accountable, and build long-term relationships with quality customers is through training.
The same is true for your service advisors. If you put them behind the counter to answer the phones and talk with customers without training them, how do you know they will build relationships and properly address the fear that every new customer has when they come into an unfamiliar auto shop?
Building Trust
Every interaction with a customer should help develop trust and overcome their fear — this is true from the first phone call to the follow-up after their visit.
Your shop needs to be a welcoming place. This includes ensuring the waiting room is clean, the shop smells good, and that customers are greeted at the front counter. It all comes back to the principle of image. Communication is so much more than words you exchange. It’s about the nonverbal cues, the brand you’ve built, and the image of whom you are as a shop.
When you’re having a conversation with a customer — whether you’re checking them in or explaining the results of an inspection — listening is just as important as the words that you say. But, listening and hearing are two different things. It requires proactive effort to listen, be 100% with the customer, and not be distracted by other thoughts or tasks. The customer ALWAYS feels the difference when you truly listen to them.
Instead, make your mantra, “The customer deserves my full respect.” Every time you interact with a customer, give them an opportunity to be heard. Let them talk, ask questions, and validate their concerns until they are finished explaining everything. Listening is an opportunity to earn their trust.
Educate, Never Sell
It’s important not to make assumptions. It is easy to assume that most drivers know they need an oil change, understand basic service, and look at the maintenance schedule in their manuals.
Take brake repairs, for instance. Instead of saying, “You need new calipers, which cost $X,” help the uninformed customer understand what that part does, why it’s important, and why it needs replacement. Think about the bicycle you rode as a kid. The simple brake system on that is easy to visualize and understand, and chances are very good your customer rode a similar bike at some point. So, compare the calipers with the “pinchy thing” that grabs your bike tire to stop it. Without using a technical term, you can help automotive novices understand exactly what you’re talking about. Tell a story and use visuals whenever possible.
Trust Takes Time
Fear can cause even the most valuable customers to become upset or angry, and it’s easy to respond equally as defensive. Don’t do it! After all, you didn’t buy, build or break the car.
You know what they are struggling with: You’ve been there, you’ve seen it before, and you know the solution.
Trust takes time. It won’t happen in one phone call or even one visit. But, when your team is trained to educate, ease customer fears, and represent your shop in a consistent and professional manner, you’ll build that trust. The customer can learn what to expect.
View “Taking The Fear Out Of The Customer Experience” by David Rogers.
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